L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Log file started (file "logs\L0105017.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/") L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Loading map "cs_militia" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvars start L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "aesp_version" = "1.5b_mini" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amx_client_languages" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amx_language" = "en" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "cs_militia" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amx_timeleft" = "00:00" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "coop" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "damager_advanced_version" = "1.1.2" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "Deags_Map_Manage" = "3.24" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "evil_army" = "1.3 Fix 1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "ff_damage_reduction_bullets" = "0.35" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "ff_damage_reduction_grenade" = "0.25" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self" = "1.0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "ff_damage_reduction_other" = "0.35" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "game_version" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "grab_version" = "2.1.1 Test" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any/CT/T" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "jtp10181" = "chute" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "lite_voteban" = "1.4" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_afk_bomb_drop_time" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_autokick_timeout" = "-1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "2" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_buy_anywhere" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "0.25" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "35" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "3.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_forcerespawn" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_fraglimit" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_freeforall" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_hostage_hurtable" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_item_staytime" = "300" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.60" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "3" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_maxmoney" = "16000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_radio_maxinround" = "60" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_radio_timeout" = "1.5" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_respawn_immunitytime" = ")" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_round_infinite" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_round_restart_delay" = "5" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_roundover" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "1.75" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_scoreboard_showhealth" = "3" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_scoreboard_showmoney" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "00:54" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "30.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mute menu" = "1.0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "pausable" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "reauthcheck_version" = "0.1.6" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "resemiclip_version" = "2.3.9" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "reu_version" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "revoice_version" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sbhopper_version" = "1.2" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "SNAC_Version" = "1.1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "statsx_shell_ver" = "2.0.0 (BETA)" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_contact" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "100000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "0.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "15000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_password" = "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_version" = ",48,1935" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "whb_version" = "1.5.696" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvars end L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "30" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_respawn_immunitytime" = "0" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "mp_respawn_immunitytime" = ")" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:45: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "cs_backalley" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:46: Started map "cs_militia" (CRC "1276908704") L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:47: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "de_train" L 01/05/2021 - 18:12:48: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:13:53: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<1><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:13:56: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<2><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:14:06: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<2><>" entered the game L 01/05/2021 - 18:14:10: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<2><>" joined team "CT" L 01/05/2021 - 18:14:33: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "0") L 01/05/2021 - 18:14:33: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:14:39: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:24: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "0") L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:24: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:30: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:33: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<2>" disconnected L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:33: World triggered "Round_Draw" (CT "0") (T "0") L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:33: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:33: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:35: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3><>" entered the game L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:39: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:16:40: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3><>" joined team "CT" L 01/05/2021 - 18:17:39: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<4><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:17:42: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:17:42: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5><>" STEAM USERID validated L 01/05/2021 - 18:17:55: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5><>" entered the game L 01/05/2021 - 18:18:00: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5><>" joined team "TERRORIST" L 01/05/2021 - 18:18:01: World triggered "Game_Commencing" L 01/05/2021 - 18:18:01: World triggered "Game_Commencing" (CT "0") (T "0") L 01/05/2021 - 18:18:01: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:18:05: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:19:50: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "1") L 01/05/2021 - 18:19:50: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:19:56: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:21:41: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "2") L 01/05/2021 - 18:21:41: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:21:47: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:23:32: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "3") L 01/05/2021 - 18:23:32: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:23:38: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:25:23: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "4") L 01/05/2021 - 18:25:23: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:25:29: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:26:53: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" attacked "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" with "knife" (damage "12") (damage_armor "1") (health "87") (armor "98") L 01/05/2021 - 18:27:01: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" attacked "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" with "knife" (damage "55") (damage_armor "4") (health "44") (armor "95") L 01/05/2021 - 18:27:14: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "5") L 01/05/2021 - 18:27:14: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:27:20: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:29:05: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "6") L 01/05/2021 - 18:29:05: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:29:11: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:30:56: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "7") L 01/05/2021 - 18:30:56: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:02: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:49: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" attacked "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" with "knife" (damage "15") (damage_armor "1") (health "84") (armor "98") L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:49: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" attacked "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" with "deagle" (damage "318") (damage_armor "53") (health "-218") (armor "47") L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:49: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" killed "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" with "deagle" L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:49: Team "CT" triggered "CTs_Win" (CT "1") (T "7") L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:49: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:31:55: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:40: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "1") (T "8") L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:40: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:46: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:52: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<3>" disconnected L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:52: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<6><>" connected, address "" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:54: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<6><>" entered the game L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:57: "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<6><>" joined team "CT" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:58: World triggered "Game_Commencing" L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:58: World triggered "Game_Commencing" (CT "1") (T "8") L 01/05/2021 - 18:33:58: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:34:02: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:34:02: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "2.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:34:32: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "cs_havana" L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:22: "[T]D.o.D*Egor<5>" attacked "[T]D.o.D*Gordey<6>" with "knife" (damage "12") (damage_armor "1") (health "87") (armor "98") L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:46: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "4.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:47: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Hostages_Not_Rescued" (CT "0") (T "1") L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:47: World triggered "Round_End" L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:53: World triggered "Round_Start" L 01/05/2021 - 18:35:55: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "0.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:01: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "2.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:01: Team "CT" scored "0" with "1" players L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:01: Team "TERRORIST" scored "1" with "1" players L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:01: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "5.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:01: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "3.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "30.000000" L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Begin re-reading plugins list: i:/rehlds (2020)/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: AMX Mod X L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: SafeNameAndChat L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: Reunion L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: ReAuthCheck L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: Rechecker L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: Revoice L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: WHBlocker L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: ReSemiclip L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: i:/rehlds (2020)/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 8 plugins L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] dll: Updating plugins... L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] dll: Finished updating 16 plugins; kept 8, loaded 0, unloaded 0, reloaded 0, delayed 0 L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] dll: Rebuilding callbacks... L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: [META] dll: Callbacks rebuilded. L 01/05/2021 - 18:36:03: Log file closed